Traditional Bulgarian Easter Dinner

Spring is already here and feeling its vibes, we become eager to celebrate the Easter holidays! Easter is approaching, and with it – the excitement about the preparations to welcome our family and friends on the traditional Easter dinner. What should Easter table include? Which recipes to bet on and how to turn the holiday into a culinary feast? The recipes are thousands, great in ingredients and origin.

This year we decided to present you some of the traditional Bulgarian Easter dishes, present in each home during this holiday! The traditional Bulgarian Easter table is rich in flavors, aromas and symbolism. Diversified over the years with recipes and decorations, it preserves the color and originality of our folk customs and traditions.

At the center of the table, of course, are Easter eggs, beautifully painted and decorated. In Bulgaria, various techniques are used for coloring the eggs – wax painting, writing, herbal paint, etc. The eggs are a symbol of the revival of nature and spirit, of the victory of life over death. Traditionally, several of the eggs are  red and one of them is placed next to the family icon of the Mother of God as the protector of the home. The Easter dinner starts with Egg fight. The hosts and guests choose one of these eggs and measure their strength by knocking them into each other. The stronger – the “fighter”, is believed to bring health and luck to the one who chose it.

Then, we move to the salads. The spring green salad is typical for the festive Easter table. Lettuce, radishes, spinach, fresh onions, parsley are used for its preparation. The salad is most often seasoned with olive oil and lemon and decorated with chopped hard-boiled eggs. Another good option is the Classic potato salad. For its preparation you only need boiled potatoes, green onion, sunflower oil, lemon juice and salt. The right drinks make good company to these salads – most often traditional Bulgarian grape or plum brandy, called “rakiya”.

The traditional main dish on Easter is lamb. The lamb is a kind of sacrifice, a sacrifice in honor of the holiday. It can be prepared in different ways: baked in the oven with herbs and garlic, or garnished with spinach, potatoes, carrots and other vegetables, or roasted with spices and stuffed with onions, tomatoes and parsley. Another very common lamb dish is the “drob-sarma” – it is baked in the oven and is made of rice and trifles. In some parts of Bulgaria people make soup from lamb trifles. Everything is seasoned with salt, black and red pepper, beautifully decorated and served with love and wishes for health and prosperity.

Traditionally, the sweet Easter bread, called “kozunak” is present on each Bulgarian Easter table. It is inherited from the Easter ritual breads that our mothers and grandmothers made, and some still make at home today. Kozunak, a mixture from flour, milk, sugar and eggs, has different modifications depending on preferences and capabilities – you can add raisins, almonds, Turkish delight or chocolate.

We will be more than happy, if you try some of our traditional dishes and share photos from your holiday!